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The Krupic Lab Publications
(*equal contributions; ¥ joint senior authorship)

Repix: reliable, reusable, versatile chronic Neuropixels implants using minimal components. eLife (2024)

Horan M., Register D., Mazuski C., Jahans-Price T., Bailey S., Thompson E., Slonina Z., Plattner V., Menichini E., Toksöz I., Romero S., Burrell P.M., Varsavsky I., Dalgleish H.W.P., Bimbard C., Lebedeva A., Bauza B., Cacucci F., Wills T., Akrami A., Krupic J., Stephenson-Jones M., Barry C., Burgess N., O’Keefe J., Isogai Y.

Variational log-Gaussian point-process methods for grid cells. Hippocampus (12) 33, (2023)

Rule ME, Chaudhuri-Vayalambrone P, Krstulovic M, Bauza M, Krupic J., O'Leary T.

Simultaneous representation of multiple time horizons by entorhinal grid cells and CA1 place cells. Cell Reports 42(7), (2023)

Chaudhuri-Vayalambrone P.*, Rule M.*, Bauza M., Krstulovic M., Kerekes P., Burton S., O’Leary T. and Krupic J. 

A fully-automated home-cage for long-term continuous phenotyping of mouse cognition and behaviour. Cell Reports Methods 3 (7), (2023)

Ho H.*, Kejzar N.*, Sasaguri H., Saito T., Saido T. C., De Strooper B., Bauza M.¥ and Krupic J¥.

Unsupervised, frequent and remote: a novel platform for personalised digital phenotyping of long-term memory in humans. PLoS ONE 18 (4), (2023)

Bauza, M., Krstulovic, M., Krupic, J.

Get in touch

Dementia Research Institute, University College London,

Cruciform Building, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, UK

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